SALUTING MILITARY RECRUITS (SMR) is a non-profit, veteran run organization created to recognize and honor graduating High School and College students (and their families) who have enlisted in the armed services and who will be entering military service after their graduation.
SALUTING MILITARY RECRUITS - San Francisco Bay Area holds a special ceremony near the end of each school year. During the ceremony we have speakers who welcome and thank the new enlistees to military service. Veterans, recruiters, civilians and the recruit's families all attend and participate in the ceremony. We also present each enlistee with a special SMR Challenge Coin from SALUTING MILITARY RECRUITS in a procession ceremony.
We are able to do this because of the generous help of local recruiters from each branch of the service, local veterans, active duty military, local politicians and local civilian supporters from the San Francisco Bay Area community.
SALUTING MILITARY RECRUITS is a tax exempt public charity 501(c)(3) non-profit organization,
donations and deductions are fully deductible (see IRS letter button link below):
For the date and time of our next event, please look over our SMR web page.
We are still in need of help with our next ceremony, we need help with:
Printing services, graphic art, drinks and appetizers during the event, and financial donations.
If you are interested in donating, attending and helping us with our next event, please contact our Chairman Michael L. Emerson, at: [email protected] PLEASE HELP US TO BE THE FIRST TO THANK OUR NEW FUTURE MILITARY HEROES FOR DEFENDING OUR COUNTRY AND KEEPING US SAFE AND FREE.