American Veterans (AMVETS) had our 4th Annual
"Saluting Military Recruits" (SMR) event. About 115 Veterans,
Recruits, Families, and Recruiters attend. Each recruit received a
free SMR t-shirt. Plus during the procession ceremony each recruit
was presented a free SMR military challenge coin. The SMR organization
also supplied free drinks and snacks to all who
attended. Founder/Chairman of SMR and the MC of the event was AMVETS
Hayward Post 911 Commander Michael L. Emerson (wearing his AMVETS
Honor Guard uniform). Special veteran guests were: Navy Pearl
Harbor Survivor Senior Chief Mickey Ganitch, IWO Jima Battle
Survivor Marine Corps Corporal Chuck Kadlecek, Army Vietnam Veteran
Paul Gravelle, Captain Koyama, currently the Commander of ROTC at
University of Berkeley (Desert Storm, Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran),
and retired Army Colonel John McPartland and current BART Director
(Vietnam & Desert Storm Veteran). Hayward Veterans Memorial
Building in Downtown Hayward, California. Saturday, 4 June 2016. |